Federal Register Notice: FDA has determined the regulatory review period for Aegerion Pharmaceuticals’ Juxtapid (lomitapide ...04/06/2015
Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending the standing advisory committees’ regulations to change the name of the Anti-In...04/06/2015
Federal Register Final order: FDA is classifying the urethral insert with pump for bladder drainage into Class 2 (special controls...04/03/2015
Federal Register Notice: FDA is requesting that any consumer organizations interested in participating in the selection of voting ...04/03/2015
Federal Register Final rule: FDA is amending its regulations to update address information for CBER as a result of the recent relo...04/03/2015
Federal Register Notice: FDA is extending the comment period until 5/15 for identifying potential biomarkers for qualification and...04/03/2015
Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a guidance for industry entitled Residual Solvents in Animal Drug Products; Quest...03/25/2015
Federal Register Notice: FDA is co-sponsoring with the Drug Information Association a public conference entitled “Ninth Annu...