Federal Register Notice: FDA is publishing “Modifications to the List of Recognized Standards, Recognition List Number: 037,...10/16/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA is seeking public comment on establishing a probability-based panel of tobacco users. FDA’s Cen...10/16/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s proposed collection of information, “Medical Devices; Device Tracking — 21 CFR pa...10/16/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a guidance New Chemical Entity Exclusivity Determinations for Certain Fixed-Combi...10/09/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA is making available a document: Guidance for Industry on Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Medicinal Pr...10/09/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee will meet 11/6, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at FDA White Oak Cam...10/09/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA’s Science Advisory Board to the National Center for Toxicological Research will meet 11/6, from...10/09/2014
Federal Register Notice: FDA is requesting nominations for voting members to serve on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Com...